Hasta llegar a la meta final: La Libertad de Cuba!

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Deaf or blind

There says Obama that Cuba has to open to itself more so that his government takes it in account, which it has to liberate more political prisoners. The American president wants ' to keep on exploring the possibilities of changing the relations '. That thing about to change him goes as ring to the finger, it was his essential verb in his campaigns and in the end it turned out the noun of his victory, that a pair of years later has turned into euphemism because such changes in his country have been all for evil. But the gentleman is supported in his thirteen and it dreams of changing the relations with Cuba, and to autosweeten his ears calls to the exile of the political prisoners that imposed the dictatorship liberate, and that if they keep on exiling without liberating any then we will be still able to business, if the spaces of the jails are refilled shortly with new prisoners and the street blows are supported to the agenda. But Obama promises them that they are going to send 20 million Americans by every year to spend money in the beaches of the Island, although to empty the jails they have to deport all the Cuban. Deaf or blind.

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